
about me

Hi!I'm an artist from germany currently studying fine arts. However, in my free time I love to illustrate! I mainly focus on comics and chracter/world creation.
I do comission work for private customers or companies, if one were to contact me. If you are interested in comissioning me, check out comission info and my contact to get in touch.
My personal projects include a variety of short comics and webtoons. You can find all of them on my Linktree. I also recently submitted a graphic novel script to a competition - wish me luck!

customer info

Comission info

What is a comission?

A comission is a service I provide in exchange for money. These services are drawings of things you request me to draw. The drawing is done from scratch for you to use.

Comissions are NOT free. I provide no service without compensation.

How to comission me step by step

1. Is your commission a private or commercial commission?

If you're not sure wether your request is a private or commercial one, find a comparison below this section.

2. Read my terms of service (TOS).

Read my terms of sercive. By commissioning me, you automaticly accept the terms of sercive. You can find my TOS further down on this page.

3. What kind of artwork do you want?

You can find different types of comissions on the comission prices page. If your desired type isn't listed, please contact me.

4. Contact me

If you know what you want or you have further questions, contact me. - Then I can start drawing.

Commercial or private?

The big difference between a private comission and a commercial one is, in simple terms, that commercial ones are from brands/people who intend to use the art as advertisments or to gain profit. Before you commission me, you must state wether the comission you are interested in is a private or a commercial one. Changing a private commission to a commercial requires an upcharge.

Private comission:

-Regular price

-No commercial usage, only private usage (Selling items with the image/using the art as adverisement)

-No license/contract

-I will remain image rights to the commission

-Credit must be given to me when posted

-I can post the artwork on social media

-No changed TOS

Commercial comission:

-Changed price depending on usage of the image

-Commercial usage allowed depending on contract

-Licence/contract created

-Can give up the image rights

-Credit must not be given depending on contract

-Can post the artwork depending on contract

-Changed TOS

Note: I will not work with NFTS or AI images! Please do not request this from me.

Terms of service

By commissioning me directly or indirectly, you automatically agree to my Terms of Service.

General rules

I will remain all the image rights to my work and I'm able to post the work in my portfolio and use it as examples.

If the artwork is meant to be a gift and therefore needs to be hidden for a short time, please tell me beforehand. If I cannot show the work at all, a small fee must be paid.

Commissions for commercial projects have different rules. Check them out in the section above.

NTF's and AI:

I do not allow using my design or drawing as an NFT, whether it is a drawing you commissioned or not. I strictly prohibit anyone from feeding any of my creations into an AI or creating a model based on them. I reserve the right to request immediate takedowns and may take legal action if necessary.

Other rules

-NSFW commissions may only be ordered by a Client 18 years of age or older. If I have any reason to suspect the Client is underage while asking for an NSFW commission, the commission will be automatically rejected/ cancelled.

-You can contact me about progress. But please do not rush me. Do not dm me daily or even hourly about the drawing. Do not harass me because I work on other clients/personal prodjects durring your commission.

-Do not make me uncomfortable during the commission by trying to roleplay with me, asking me very personal questions or try to make the conversation sexual.

-I have the right to refuse the commission for whatever reason, with or without explanation. There will be no charge for that.

What I will/won't draw

Be aware that elements I am not familiar with may look different. You are always free to ask me.

Will draw:




-Cyborgs ( % upcharge if there are an exceeding amount of robotic elements)

-Feral creatures


-Most made up species

-mildly suggestive

Will only draw for buissness/upcharge:

-complex characters

-Mechs/heavily armoured characters

-RL military/RL complex weapons

-Cars or other complex vehicels

-Educational drawings

-Morally okay NSFW

Will never draw:

-any Nazi stuff for non eductation

-Certain species that are problematic/sexist (Sergals, Miliquin)

-"Loli" or other p**o fantasies

-Unethnical NSFW (feral and other vile kinks)

-Illegal or hatefull flags

-political art

-hate content (e.g. Xenophobia, Homophobia, Transphobia etc.)

-illegal content

Work Process

The following is an explenation of my comission process in the correct order. Read carefully, if you have any further questions, feel free to contact me :) :

1. Talking about what you want for your commission.

Please state all the important details you want in your commission and answer my questions correctly and honestly.

2. Rough sketch/lineart

Depending on the type of commission, you will receive a sketch or lineart. Make sure to tell me if any elements are missing or incorrect in the sketch. Big changes in the lines are only possible now, so make sure to speak up.

3. Colors

Depending on the type of commission, you will receive a color work in progress (WIP). Please make sure that everything is alright. Some details will be added during the last phase because of my art style. This is the last work in progress update you will receive.

4. Finish

In the last phase, I shade the image and add effects. I shade in my art style. I add elements that fit the design. If you have certain lighting wishes (like, for example, the lighting coming from the back), state that beforehand!

Corrections in the art/upcharges:

After every step in the process, you have the possibility to request changes depending on how the current image process is. Please look carefully for any possible changes when I ask! I continue to the next step if I get a "positive response" from you. Changes are only free of charge if these are requested on the correct stages of the drawing. Changes that are requested later will require a fee. Also, make sure that your refrence is clear.

Example of a change with no charge:

-You gave the okay for the lineart, and I have started the coloring process. I will show you an image of the current colors. You notice that some markings are drawn incorrectly and require a fix. Since we are still in the coloring process, I will make that change.

-The icon commission showed no color WIP, and I missed an element that was very obvious in the reference. I will make sure to change that.

Example of change with charge:

-You gave the okay for the lineart, and I have started the coloring process. I will show you an image of the current colors. Suddenly, you notice that you want a different change in body shape and request that. Since the lineart already got approved, any changes will require a fee.

-You forgot to mention an important element that can't be easily edited or will make the commission way more complex. This will also require a fee.

-The reference you provided is not clear and doesn't show the elements well, making it easy to miss important details.
An element was "obvious" but you had the chance to notify me in the correct W.I.P stage. This will require a fee.

Upcharge price:

The price for the upcharge varies depending on the type of edit needed. They usually start at 5€ for small stuff and go up to 15€ for, for example, extreme details or changes that make me start over completely. If you have any further questions, please reach out.


Paying rules

-Payment is to be made via PayPal unless stated otherwise. I don´t accept money from services like venmo, cashapp or boosty. I am open for other payment methods if paypal is not available to you. But let me know before I start the commission!

-All my commission prices are in euro.

-Half of the payment must be done upfront when I start the comission, the other half must be paid after you receive the comission.

-If you have ordered from me before, please ask again if you can send to that email.
NEVER send money before asking first.

Refund/ Cancellation

Please make sure you have the funds to comission me before comissioning me. I'm a very small business and need to protect myself from revenue loss.

-You have the right to cancel the commission BEFORE payment has been sent and BEFORE a sketch has been finished. If cancelled after a sketch, I will charge a cancellation fee of 10€.

-I don´t do refunds or cancel started payed commission. False refunds/chargeback are not allowed and will result in a beware or legal steps.

-Refunds or partial refunds are only done if I decide so myself.

Image/ Comission Terms of Service

These are the TOS for graphics, models, and other assets made by me.

Using my images:

What I allow

-Using the art as a banner, profile picture or to otherwise represent yourself. Large/popular accounts require credit in the bio that the image was created by me.

-Sharing the art you commissioned on your plattform. I must be credited with my username and links to my instagram and twitter.

-Changing small things of the drawing to fit your prefrences (Don´t change too much though that the character is unrecognisable/make a seperate character. Always state that the design has been edited by you or another person.).

-Using the art to create merchandise for yourself like printing it for a poster or making stickers for yourself and your close group of friends.

What I don't allow

-Claiming you created the art yourself or someone else created it.

-Using the art to create merchandise for a larger group of people/ making any kind of revenue with my art.

-Having a piece of monitized content that resolves mainly around my artwork.

-Not crediting me when required.

-Editing the art so it fits another persons character/tracing it.

-Feeding it into an AI or using it as an NFT.

-Paywalling my art behind a patreon/ only fans or other platforms with a paywall.

Commercial use design license

All purchased or received artworks come with a standard license unless otherwise discussed. Please note that commercial licenses are not transferable when the art is transferred to a new owner. In such cases, a new contract must be created based on the specific circumstances. If you want to use my art commercially in any form, message me to discuss the matter with me. Without communication, I do not grant a commercial use design license. Please note that my rules apply specifically to artworks that I have created. Artworks made in a collab with another person may have additional Terms of Service (TOS) that apply. Licenses can be upgraded any time.

Standard license

Regular artworks created by me always falls under regular usage with no commercial rights. You are permitted to use the character and design for personal purposes. If you want to use my art commercially, please consider purchasing the commercial use design license.

Using my art or designs in hatefull content

My art and designs are not to be used for hatespeech, racism, bigotry, MAP movement, Zoo-movement.

Do not use my artwork or design if you are openenly a Zoo/MAP/Nazi. My creations are not for you.

Taking back designs/ artwork

Under normal circumstances, I would NEVER retract a design. The following are the only exceptions. In any case, I will give you the opportunity to communicate with me and resolve the situation. Be aware that this is only something I would do under the following criteria:

-Scamming me/ taking back money for the design

-Doxxing/ threatening me

-Harassing me

When taking back a design, I will re-sell or re-create it. Mind that some re-designs also count towards that. Again, please be aware that this isn't something I ever want to do. And don't worry in case you fear your design might be taken away because you were "mean to me back then"!! I really don't mind most online stuff. I only mind things that affect my day to day life in a negative way.

Thank you for reading.


If you wanna get in touch, it's best to contact me through my various social medias.

The fastest way to contact me is either via instagram, twitter, discord or email. I check those regularly!

